Hello sports fans! This is my first push into the blogosphere to try and reach out and share on a more regular basis my passion for teaching sports, especially basketball. I use the word "teaching" as I feel it is more appropriate than training or coaching since the objective is to pass knowledge to and from one another, where the teacher is also involved in the learning process.
After the completion of the Bring it Strong Basketball Academy I received a lot of positive feedback from both the kids and their parents. While I have enjoyed spending time having one-on-one discussions with people regarding my Coach to Develop vs Coaching to Win philosophy, I realized that it could be possible to reach a broader group and have a greater impact through the use of technology. Which leads us to this place -- this point in time.
The format for the blog is still up in the air. I would like to have a weekly blog set up regarding a myriad of topics including Rolla Athletics, Basketball Coaching Tips, Relationships between Coaches and Parents/Kids, and a discussion of the hot topics in the world of sports. I have also thought about using two different perspectives and possibly two different blogs. One coming from S.I.R. which would be more focused on Rolla Basketball and the other perspective from Bring it Strong which would be more focused on the Development of Youth. I believe a single blog will work as the audience can choose to ignore a blog that is about Rolla sports if they are from Billings, Montana. The risk is that they choose not to follow the blog at all which goes against the purpose of reaching out to a broader base and having a positive impact.
I am excited about starting this Blog and look forward to receiving comments and feedback as well as suggestions for future topics.
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